Join us for a public meeting to learn more – Your voice matters!
The Indiana Department of Transportation’s (INDOT) State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is the State’s 5-year planning and construction document that lists all projects and project phases expected to be funded within five years with federal funding, as well as state-funded projects that have been deemed “Regionally Significant.”
INDOT is in the process of updating the 2022 – 2026 STIP. A revised draft version of the STIP is available at: for a 16 day comment period between February 1 and February 16, 2022.
Proactive public involvement is important in the state’s transportation planning processes. There are multiple opportunities for the public and stakeholders to have a voice in the STIP development process:
Join us for one of the 2 virtual town-hall public meetings February 8 or 9, 2022. To attend, visit, today!
Recordings of the meetings will be available. • Review the revised draft 2022-2026 STIP and provide your comments using the online form, email or direct mail your comments to the address below. • Contact your respective INDOT District Office regarding transportation facility needs or contact your respective Metropolitan or Regional Planning Office to participate in planning meetings in your area and provide your comments. A listing of district, metropolitan, and regional planning office can be found at: or by using the QR Code.

Scan the QR Code to learn more about the STIP, planning efforts and processes, and information about how you can get involved.
We look forward to hearing from you.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact:
Indiana Department of Transportation
Attn: Planning Department
100 N. Senate Avenue, IGNC N758
Indianapolis, IN 46204